Recently I have been experimenting with mark marking (calligraphy ink on paper, collage with chalk pastel). This is literally making my mark. In the Yoga tradition we think of each […]
Reflections on the Bhagavad Gita 1
sṃaktāḥ karmaṇyavidvāṁsoyathā kurvanti bhāratakuryād vidvāṁs tathāsaktaścikīrṣur lokasaṁgraham.BG 3.25 The ignorant work for their own profit, Arjuna;the wise work for the welfare of the world,without thought for themselves.(The Bhagavad Gita, Eknath […]
The Gift of Life
Yogahome supports the charity DKMS which is a lifesaving organisation. DKMS signs up healthy people to become stem cell donors for people with blood cancer. People who practise yoga are […]
Today is Ash Wednesday. A day to remember that one day life ends and we turn to dust again. This is a precious and solemn day that invites letting go […]