On Zoom Sunday June 18th, 7.30-8.30pm £15 with a recording which will be valid for 30 days
A Summer Morning – Yoga with Om as a gateway to peace
At Yarwell Village Hall, 48 Main Street, Yarwell PE8 6PR Saturday July 8th, 11am – 1pm (max 12 participants) Bring and Share Lunch afterwards £25 + a small […]
Langhana – the art of a good night’s sleep (Christmas edition)
The yogic art of reducing the things that disturb our peace and so our sleep. The session will include a short talk about peace and joy, sound work, body and […]
Langhana – the art of a good night’s sleep part 2
The yogic art of reducing the things that disturb our peace and so our sleep. The session will include a short talk, hand massage, body/breathwork and a deep meditative relaxation. […]
The Pranava – the sound that carries us to a place of peace.
A series of 4 classes that can be taken individually or as a series. Sessions will be held on Wednesdays in August between 7 and 8 pm (4th, 12th, 18th […]